Things Marketers Need to Know about Web 3.0

Technology is getting advanced day by day and IoT gaining popularity due to its latest trends in the market. It changes our lifestyle with great inventions. As we know, The internet grow in different phases over the years since the time it was created. In today's digital world, users continuously demand control over data and privacy. They need a decentralized network with greater accessibility. So, let's learn about the updated version of web 3.0 that alters the growth of the market and provides advanced methods in the communication world. Web 3.0: It is one step forward from the current web 2.0. It mainly focuses on the security purpose as provides encryption methods for the users to secure their communication platform. It is particularly a decentralized network that enables multiple users to access the data. With Web 3.0, the information can be stored on many servers simultaneously for high accessibility and enable the companies to have proper control over ...